Is this the future of food?

Learning the potential future of our food and getting the most out of it
Administration of Active Supplements Across the skin for systemic distribution.
What is it?
There are new supplement sprays which can be applied directly to our skin. These sprays absorb instantly thus by-passing regular digestive system of our body.  This definitely causes slowing down the overall digestive system or absorption of traditional supplements as the body energy is consumed in absorbing the spray through skin directly.
Does it work?
The Performance Nutritionist named Ben Coomber working at research project at Manchester Met University claimed that caffeine if taken directly by skin is ten times more effective than taken orally. That makes it faster to act on body. In case we need the same effect that we need from taking it orally means that we will need just 1/10 part through skin of what we take orally. To take directly through skin definitely need bigger pores in our skin and that can be the only restriction. There are clearly two types of nutrients, those can be absorbed through skin like caffeine and taurine and zinc and even magnesium but there are plenty of those falling in other category too.
Availability of these?
A company named Transdermal Technology in UK has two types of such transdermal sprays. One is meant for pre-workout performance-booster that contains caffeine, guarana and taurine while the other one is for post-workout recovery spray that consists of zinc, niacin  and magnesium. Each of these sprays are for £18 having 40 doses. The dose typically lets you reach peak concentration within your bloodstream taking only 15 minutes where as such supplements taken by mouth tales 60 minutes normally.
Using Lab Meat?
Scientists and researchers are trying to create a type of meat that is artificial and laboratory-manufactured to replace meat products. The meat contains a variety of plant materials which includes amaranth as well as pea protein. These are broken down to make ‘meat patties’. These patties have the taste as well as texture like actual meat. The product has additional benefits giving optimum leanness. It conforms the 2013 UN report that highlights ‘unsustainable’ levels of consuming meat consumption in countries in the West.
Does it give results?
Sports Scientist and Performance Nutritionist named Laurent Bannock says that if we look at the lab-meat through a microscope, it biologically has the same properties as that of real meat. How it differs is that it has less key amino acids that are required for growth of muscles. This way it is a good alternative when compared to real meat. Real meat has impact on environment and we do not need to kill animals. Lab meat needs few additional supplementation. As and when manufactured commercially, lab-meat is recommended for those who have their targets on athletic performance and muscle growth adding leucine for boosting your intake of amino acid.
Where can I get some?
The Lab-meat is not yer commercially available in the UK as yet, but may be a good preposition in near future. The American company named Beyond Meat offers some plant-based meat foods that making real looking beef burgers as well as ‘chicken’ strips. Another German company named Like Meat has products include Bratwurst-style sausages as well as donner kebab ‘meat’.
What is Nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomics is the process to optimize your diet aligned to your DNA. The theory examines the genetic profile to highlight any potentially challenging genes you may carry –example is PPARA gene, that affects the body fat regulation. The diet therefore, can be adjusted  accordingly for working around or respond the genetic limitations for enhancing body composition as well as the athletic performance. This is not a surprise but already available to those who love going to gyms.
Does it help?
This field is just newly born and in initial stages of research inviting lot of debate among food scientists. A study at University of Toronto carried in 2014 recommends that the people may take benefit from using different dietary guidance than others, depends on their genotype. Theoretically speaking, you need to do hit and trial doing experiments using different diets to see what suites best in individual cases. Please note that scientists are not yet sure of the role that certain genes play. A prominent dietician named Nanci Guest tells that if you want to move ahead of others, you need not wait. The genes sequence remains the same during our life time and genetic assessment too remains valid for the whole of life and you can goon refining your diet as you get more information about the future research too.
How I can get some?
A company known as DNA Fit has self-test swab kits to facilitate doing this even at home and asking them to make assessment. In return DNA Fit provides with feedback and analysis. They also recommend tailored diets as well as training plans that are aligned with specific genes related to weight loss (like FABP2 and GDF5) together with the athletic performance of person including IL-6 and ACTN3. Prices of these kits start from £99 till £249.

The Author

Eating in Qatar is the definitive resource on anything delicious in Qatar.

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