10 Ways for Post Ramadan Health Maintenance.

Each year we spend Ramadan passing through an experience having fixed timings for
eating and that also governs a unique time table for day to day routine work too. Our
digestive system gets better and that gets a relief too. Fasting during the day and
offering longer prayers at night help us to transform ourselves to a better life style. This
also helps us gaining most wanted contentment too. As Ramadan concludes, festivities
of Eid ul Fitr takes over and then comes the routine life that demands remaining healthy
in coming days and keep harvesting the benefits of healthy life. Here are ten points
worth considering as per the topic above:

1- Fasting two days a week

Fasting any two days of the week brings great benefits to health. Intermittent fasting
helps cure the body as dead and sick cells are speedily removed from our bodies.
Further the causes of chronic diseases like cancer, heart issues and diabetes that are
mostly age related matters, getting rid of these is rather easy.

Fasting brings both mental and physical benefits with better memory, better sleep,
sharper concentration and improved body energy. With fasting nerve cells also grow
better and it provides nourishment to body in general. Occasional fasting has also
shown to accelerate the activity and growth of nerve cells.

As we choose to adopt the practices of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) we should
observe fasting on every Monday and Thursday. The companion of Prophet Abu
Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that Prophet (peace be upon him)
said,” Deeds of humans are presented on Mondays as well as Thursdays and I prefer
that when my deeds are presented, I should be observing fast. [Tirmidhi]
Six days of month of Shawwal are such that fasting is very much recommended as
these fasts also bring lot many benefits too. Another companion of Prophet named Abu
Ayyub al-Ansari (May Allah be pleased with him)  narrated that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) said that  the person who fasts six days in Shawwal when he has observed
fasting the whole month of Ramadan is rewarded as if the person has fated for the
whole of year.

2. Try Eating Twice or Thrice A Day

Having two or three meals instead of eating several times  helps the body to feel
hunger. According to research by PLOS ONE, this helps in fighting Alzheimer’s disease.
Feeling hunger helps us spiritually as well as Ibrahim ibn Adham had said: “Anybody
who can take control of his stomach is able to control his faith too,. That is what is
required of a good person seeking good behavior and good approach to life. One who
fills his stomach is likely to be more disobedient to Allah.

3. Eating Dry Fruits

Craving for dry fruits during Ramadan is very much normal. We need to continue using
these even after the Holy Month.

Prophet (peace be upon him) said : “Those who have dried dates should break their fast
with dried dates and those who do have dried dates may break their fast with water.

Dries figs and dates have been identified as an excellent source for lot of antioxidants,
fiber and iron protecting against aging and harmful free radicals. Those who love having
something sweet after meals, use dates instead of typical desserts or chocolate cakes

Prophet (peace be upon him said,” the one who eats seven “Ajwa dates each morning,
poison or magic will not affect him on the day he eats Ajwa dates.” [Bukhari]

4. Following 80/20 Rule

Eating till stomach is 80% full and leaving rest 20% empty is an excellent way of eating.
This helps for better digestion and better working of stomach that helps absorbing food.
Good way is to be slow in eating so stomach keeps responding to brain till it gives
signal “I am full!.” Overeating is usually cause when you are mentally busy somewhere
else like watching TV or having discussions during food time and you do not notice “I
am full.” signals.

As we pass through Ramadan, we are aware and know what we have to eat and how
much is to be consumed at a certain point of time and signals from brain as well. This
way mindless eating is always bad for health and tends to have over eating. The
Prophet (peace be upon him) said,” Those who eat a lot filling their stomach to full will
remain hungry on the day of judgment”. [Ibn Majah]

5. “Thirds” is the Rule

Eating overwhelmingly while having food results in bad health, upset stomach and
laziness together with several other complications. In case we have lot of food during
Iftaar we do feel comfortable during travel and overeating snatches our attention
during the prayers. Ramadan helps us to remain conscious about food and planning of
eating for a good health. It is always good in case we keep the rule of “Thirds” in regular
life too

Prophet (peace be upon him) said,” Human being badly fills his vessel (stomach) to fill.
He should be satisfied eating few food morsels to remain healthy keeping his back
straight. If he has to eat, he should fill one third with food, one third for drinking and
leave the rest one third only for air.” [Ibn Majah]

6. Using Probiotic Supplement for Better Digestion

We tend to eat more of sweets during Ramadan but remain hungry during the day while
Eid plays a significant role in sweets consumption too. This all is heavy on stomach
when it is absorbing food. Use of some probiotic supplement is always good keeping
balance in keeping bacterial flora in our body. It is proven that probiotics keep us safe
from getting colds and general infections. These also help women metabolism and

7. Nurturing Emotional Health

Ramadan is a season for enjoyment emotional health within us. We give more time to
prayers, supplications, Qur’aan reading and remain more in touch with Allah. Let’s
continue with the routine even after Ramadan as Allah is the same and we must not
tend to ignore Him. He feeds us even after Ramadan so why not be thankful to Him
whole of the year. Let’s start prayers regularly and add tahajjud prayer as that is the
best time for acceptance of our asking all the bounties and blessings. This way we rain
emotionally health and keep thanking the One who bestows all good things upon us
many times even without asking. Let’s immerse ourselves in reading, learning and
following the teachings of Qur’aan for better understanding of what Allah has asked us
for. Emotional health has been proved highly important for general health of human
beings and this aspect is highly therapeutic too. This helps fighting with depression,
anxiety, addictions and phobia feelings in our routine life. We experience this spiritual
heightening during Ramadan and we need to carry the feeling further too. Praying
during Tahajjud is an excellent way to remain close to Allah making lot of dua for
ourselves, for our children and the elders who have gone to the next world.
Companion of Prophet (peace be upon him) named Abu Hurairah (may Allah be
pleased with him) reported that Prophet (peace be upon him) said,” Allah the mighty
descends at every end of night to the lowest and asks “Who supplicates Me and I answer
him, who asks Me so I give to him and who asks Me to forgive, I may forgive him” and
this happens every night.” [Muslim]

Besides this keep reading Qur’aan and perform dhikr regularly on every move you make
as Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught us to do. This habit is a blessing and makes
life a blessing instead of a curse.

8. Keep Giving Sadaqah

Try nurturing the habit of giving to others. Sadaqah keeps us safe from calamities
bringing peace in life reaping rewards of life. In case we look at families who are not yet
at advantage, we need to support them to upgrade their lives too and that is all brings
benefits to us. Not only from Islamic point of view but studies on social side also prove
that those who give enjoy a different but astounding feelings in life. These feelings are
extremely important and rewarding for life. The habit of giving to others makes this
world a better place to live and enjoy nurturing the feeling of kindness, volunteering and
serving fellow human beings brings in element of satisfaction to the life within us.

Qur’aan says:

The example of those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah is similar to that of a
grain which caused to grow seven ears and in every ear there are one hundred grains
and Allah may enhance more than that for whomsoever He may please; and Allah is all-
Encompassing, All-knowing.” [Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 261]

9. Try Being an Upright Role Model

We all can be good role models and keep inspiring others, may be others are just
community members, relatives or friends. This brings and overall change in
social fabric. Ramadan has been a great season for giving to others and setting
example for others and creating an environment for helping each other. Ramadan also
helps us to understand the feeling of day long fasting followed by Iftaar thus bearing the
delay in return on investments at a later time.

As a father or a mother our eatinghabits and approach tolife also teaches our children to
do the same and shapes their attitudes towards food and fasting and the benfits in
hereafter. Let’s be a role model that helps our generations and the society at large.

10. Leaving Smoking Aside and Exercise to Keep Fit

Ramadaan really helps us to abstain from smoking all day and we can continue leaving
this habit even after the month has passed. This had been ideal time to practice facing
this crave and urge holding the naughty cigarette and puffing smoke. We could
gradually stop smoking but Ramadan helps us doing do and resultantly finally quitting
this paper tube filled with grass.    quit, Ramadan was an ideal time to gradually stop
smoking and eventually curb the harmful habit altogether. Once Ramadan is over, if you
are a smoker, do not give in to the temptation of having a cigarette after meals.

Continue to replace this addictive and toxic habit with healthier ones such as fitness activities in doha.
Once you start leaving the habit try rewarding yourself on the path of leaving bad habit
for the sake of Ramadan and then continue doing so. It is definitely a good choice of life
and saving your future too.

Let’s also give up sluggishness and lazy routine and take a step to be healthy or at least
adopt the life style to healthy routine in life. The healthy approach to life keeps us on
track to better health, doing exercise to maintain health and looking forward to better
future. We should acknowledge that better health helps us to do things better that brings
better results. We all believe that a healthy mind is always in a healthy body.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “People tend to lose two blessings, these
blessings are good health and free time (when we can do something good)”  [Bukhari]

The Author

Eating in Qatar is the definitive resource on anything delicious in Qatar.

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