Get To Know Thai Food

When you think of Thai food, you would think of the 'Hot and Spicy’ taste and probably believe that all varieties of Thai food are very hot and spicy. Which is a common misconception. Thai dishes are now in Top 5 most popular cuisines of the world.

Have you ever wondered what makes Thai food so delicious? That is because of the variety of spices that are used in making all Thai dishes. Most of the Thai dishes use fresh herbs, not dried herbs. The most important technique to make Thai dishes is the balance of the main taste senses in each individual dish. The main taste senses are sweet, sour, bitter and salty. The variety of different flavours, textures and colours, and the way that the food is presented makes Thai food very exciting and appealing.

Thais like to eat with a spoon and fork. Knives are not used at the table as everything is already cut into a bite size. Chopsticks are only used to eat noodles. Some of the popular Thai dishes are satay, spring rolls, papaya spicy salad, deep-fried or grilled meat balls etc.

Thai desserts are well known for being beautiful and delicious. Coconut milk, rice flour, palm sugar and eggs are the main ingredients for almost all Thai desserts. Shallots, ginger, sticky rice, peanuts and pumpkin are sometimes also used in some Thai desserts. Banana leaves are often used for wrapping food in many styles. Thais have plenty of desserts, both hot and cold, with many different textures and colours.

Vegetable and fruit carving is a fine art that you will find at many Thai restaurants. The decorative carving helps to make Thai dishes much more interesting and amazing.

The popularity of Thai food and the many Thai restaurants that have sprung up all over the world have led to an increased availability of Thai ingredients in supermarkets everywhere. Let’s visit an Asian restaurant in your town and see what Thai dish you would like to cook at home today.

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Eating in Qatar is the definitive resource on anything delicious in Qatar.

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